Otrā ķīniešu lunārā kalendāra diena. Otrā pavasara svētku diena, otrā jaunā čūskas gada diena. Šķiet, ir ļoti pareizi sākt jaunu gadu, dzīvi no pavasara, tas nekas, ka mums vēl viss balts un auksts, bet doma skaista - tīrība, viss jaunais un svaigais. Arī paši svētki, cik nu izdevās tajos piedalīties, ir ārkārtīgi krāšņi un bagātīgi - viss sarkans, grezns, izrotāts, cilvēki laimīgi un vismaz todien, reizi gadā, viens otram vēl visu, visu labāko. Bija ļoti liels prieks redzēt to, kā visi, gan ķīnieši, gan neķīnieši, gan parasti studenti, gan vēstniecības ierēdņi un profesori, kopā sanāca un sēdās pie viena galda kā vienlīdzīgi. Pat tas, ka vēstnieks pienāca klāt un draudzīgi runājas, nemaz nešķita satraucoši vai neveikli, jo tas viss šķita tik ļoti vietā un tik pareizi. Arī mums tā vajadzētu - būt vienkāršākiem, nepiešķirt sev kaut kādu īpašu nozīmi, vadoties pēc amata vai statusa, būt atvērtākiem un sirsnīgākiem. Saprotu, jā, mentalitāte, kultūra, vēsturiskais konteksts, taču pēdējā laikā šķiet, ka tas viss arvien biežāk tiek minēts kā attaisnojums tam īgnumam un noslēgtībai, nevis reāli ir kaut kas, kas attaisnotu mūsu nejēdzīgo īgnumu, burkšķēšanu, noslēgtību salīdzinājumā ar citu tautību, mentalitāšu pārstāvjiem. Varbūt mums tas laimes slieksnis ir nostādīts pārliek augstu un mēs pārāk daudz tiecamies sasniegt kaut ko, kā rezultātā mēs būtu pēc mūsu mērauklas laimīgi? Varbūt mums šķiet, ka visi ir ienaidnieki un ka vienmēr, lai ko sasniegtu, ir jākaitē citiem? Nezinu, taču zinu, ka ar laiku es sāku arvien mazāk saprast to, kādi esam, un, galvenokārt, - kāpēc mēs esam tādi. Es, protams, runāju par lielo vairākumu.
Laimīgu Jauno Gadu!

Un vēl, vakar ar meitenēm bija diezgan plaša diskusija par to, kas ir laime, kas tas, kas mums vienam otram jāpiedod un kāpēc. Izrādījās, ka domājam ļoti dažādi, un tad nu šodien izlasīju to, kas tik ļoti iedvesmoja L., un paliku ar milzīgu pretargumentu kvantumu galvā. Tātad:
“Father, forgive them;
for they know not what they do” (Jesus of Nazareth, Luke 23:34).
This is one of the few Bible quotes that I know and keep in mind to the best of my human abilities. Dealing with attacks, offenses and insults (both, ones directed towards us and ones coming from ourselves) is much easier when we understand the true reason behind it -- plain human confusion, an inner puzzlement. Whenever we're stuck in those harmful, destructive behavior patterns, it never reflects the way we really, sincerely want to live and act. Those are not our true intentions. This is supported by the fact that, in such instances, we are never fully happy and at peace with ourselves and our lives. It really helps to keep in mind that every wrongdoing that comes our way or that we do ourselves is rooted in deep puzzlement and that it never reflects the true ways of the heart. So, while we're all growing and seeking that inner light of clarity the best we can, it's best to stay understanding and forgiving about the confusions that exist in the world (understanding and forgiveness shouldn't be mistaken for passivity, ignorance and negligence). Understanding and forgiving to others and to ourselves. We just don't know what we're doing sometimes, so forgive. Certainly, we defend ourselves when we have to, but it shouldn't be done because of vengeance, anger or other emotional disruption. Even standing up for ourselves or someone else should have its ground in compassionate understanding and forgiveness. “Forgive them; for they know not what they do” -- as simple as that. Not always easy to practice, I know, but still very true, basic and eye-opening. It helps a lot.
This is one of the few Bible quotes that I know and keep in mind to the best of my human abilities. Dealing with attacks, offenses and insults (both, ones directed towards us and ones coming from ourselves) is much easier when we understand the true reason behind it -- plain human confusion, an inner puzzlement. Whenever we're stuck in those harmful, destructive behavior patterns, it never reflects the way we really, sincerely want to live and act. Those are not our true intentions. This is supported by the fact that, in such instances, we are never fully happy and at peace with ourselves and our lives. It really helps to keep in mind that every wrongdoing that comes our way or that we do ourselves is rooted in deep puzzlement and that it never reflects the true ways of the heart. So, while we're all growing and seeking that inner light of clarity the best we can, it's best to stay understanding and forgiving about the confusions that exist in the world (understanding and forgiveness shouldn't be mistaken for passivity, ignorance and negligence). Understanding and forgiving to others and to ourselves. We just don't know what we're doing sometimes, so forgive. Certainly, we defend ourselves when we have to, but it shouldn't be done because of vengeance, anger or other emotional disruption. Even standing up for ourselves or someone else should have its ground in compassionate understanding and forgiveness. “Forgive them; for they know not what they do” -- as simple as that. Not always easy to practice, I know, but still very true, basic and eye-opening. It helps a lot.
Tad nu, lūdzams, attaisnojam visus un visu, jo visi taču sirdī piedzimst labi un nekad nesaprot, ko dara. Nejēdzība. Kas tad ir "our true intentions"? "The inner light of clarity"? Un kas tad tas ir? Kā es varu zināt, ka esmu to atradusi? Kurā brīdī mani grēki un nodarījumi vairs netiks attaisnoti? Nezin, varbūt it vieglāk piedot, taču man svarīgāk ir saprast, un just, ka otrs un galvenokārt arī es pati esmu atbildīga par savu rīcību, un tieši tad, es ticu, ka sasniegšu savu "inner light of clarity", lai kas tas arī būtu.
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